Editorial / Current issue


Jacek Szeliga
Published online: June 17, 2024
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for trusting us and submitting an increasing number of very valuable works. Only in the last 5 months we have received twice as many articles as in previous years. We try to make the authors of these works feel the involvement of our team and thus we have significantly shortened (by 25%) the waiting time for publication. At the same time, we offer IF SCIE, which, according to our estimates, should not change much this year. At the same time, I am pleased to inform our colleagues that starting from issue 3/2024 we are changing our publishing house. Not because we are dissatisfied with our long-term cooperation, but because we want to offer you even more efficient and broader services. Our team will expand significantly and we believe that in a year we will be able to review and publish your manuscripts almost on an ongoing basis.
And by handing over the new issue of “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques” to you, I would like to cordially invite you to read its contents. As usual, it is very diverse and focused on scientific credibility and novelty of form and information. Here you will find as many as 5 meta-analyses resolving clinically important surgical issues. There are papers on endoscopy and oncological problems treated with minimally invasive methods. I encourage you to thoroughly analyze their contents and to comment on them also in the form of short publications that can be printed in the “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques”.
And on the occasion of the upcoming summer time I wish you a long and wonderful , real relax during your vacations after another year of hard work in the operating room. With kindest regards
Prof. Jacek Szeliga
“Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive techniques”

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