Case report

Castleman's disease - an unusual indication for laparoscopic adrenalectomy.

Maciej Otto, Lukasz Wieprzowski, Jacek Dzwonkowski, Bogna Ziarkiewicz-Wróblewska
Published online: November 08, 2011

Castleman's disease is one of the rare entities which cause lymph node hyperplasia with no characteristic clinical symptoms. Pathomorphological examination usually enables diagnosis, especially in the case of a localized form. Its uncommon location in the retroperitoneal cavity is estimated at 12% in the literature. Asymptomatic nature of the disease and its untypical location in the adrenal field imitated incidentaloma of this gland in the imaging examinations. Surgical treatment, laparoscopic excision of the tumour (lymph node) and right adrenal gland from the lateral, transperitoneal approach allowed final diagnosis and offered effective therapy.

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