Original paper / Online first

Stensen's duct injuries: the role of sialendoscopy and adjuvant botulinum toxin injection.

Tomasz Kopeć, Małgorzata Wierzbicka, Witold Szyfter
Published online: January 21, 2013

Stensen's duct injuries are uncommon but troublesome sequelae of facial surgery or other external traumas.

To investigate the feasibility of sialendoscopic control of Stensen's duct in iatrogenic injuries and the efficiency of botulinum toxin adjuvant therapy.

In 2008 and 2010, 5 patients with parotid sialoceles or fistulas, infrequent complications after plastic surgery or trauma, were treated in a single institution, Poznan University of Medical Sciences ENT Department. The group consisted of 5 patients with diagnosed Stensen's duct injuries, which were post-surgery and post-traumatic sequelae. All were treated by means of open surgery. Botulinum toxin injection was administered during the procedure to decrease the saliva secretion and to improve the healing process. A sialendoscopy was performed to control the lumen of the junction after the duct injury was repaired.

Complete healing of the fistulas and sialoceles after the reparative surgery followed by a single botulinum toxin application was observed in all patients within 10-14 days. No side effects were noticed.

Our findings suggest that sialendoscopy is a valuable tool and an important step of control in the surgery of parotid duct injuries and the injection of botulinum toxin is an effective and safe second-line treatment.

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