Case report

Giant Bauhin valve adenoma and laparoscopically assisted colonoscopic polypectomy.

Saulius Mikalauskas, Rokas Račkauskas, Paulius Zeromskas, Kęstutis Strupas
Published online: September 05, 2014

Nowadays colonoscopic polypectomy has become a routine procedure, which is performed daily. Almost every colorectal benign tumor can be removed endoscopically, although there are some problematic adenomas which are either large in size or difficult to approach. In the past two decades laparoscopically assisted colonoscopic polypectomy has become established in the endoscopic world, which reduced the need of operations for those patients with lesions that are large or hard to approach. The first laparoscopically monitored colonoscopic polypectomy was performed by Franklin in 1991, and reported publicly in 1993. We present a case report of a patient who was diagnosed with Bauhin valve giant adenoma and underwent laparoscopically assisted polypectomy.

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