Original paper

Evaluation of sonohysterography in detecting endometrial polyps - 241 cases followed with office hysteroscopies combined with histopathological examination.

Paweł Radwan, Michał Radwan, Marek Kozarzewski, Ireneusz Polac, Jacek Wilczyński
Published online: May 26, 2014

Hysteroscopy is considered the 'gold standard' procedure in assessing uterine pathology however it is more expensive and invasive method than ultrasonography. An alternative to the diagnostic hysteroscopy is sonohysterography.

To evaluate the usefulness of sonohysterography in detecting endometrial polyps in female patients diagnosed with infertility.

We compared the results of sonohysterographic examinations with hysteroscopy combined with histopathological findings.

All the 241 sonohysterography examinations were performed successfully. No complications were observed. Forty-three hysteroscopies (17.8%) and six sonohysterography examinations (2.5%) were performed in short total intravenous anesthesia because of a low pain threshold of the patients. After hysteroscopic resection polyps were diagnosed in 74 (30.7%) patients. In 72 cases both saline infusion sonography (sonohysterography, SIS) examination and hysteroscopy confirmed the occurrence of an endometrial polyp. In 7 examinations (4.2%) the diagnosed polyp was not confirmed in sonohysterography (false-positive results). Two SIS procedures (2.7%) did not confirm the occurrence of the polyp (false-negative results). Sensitivity, specificity accuracy and error of sonohysterography in detecting endometrial polyps were 97.3%, 95.8% 96.2% and 3.7%, respectively. Positive and negative predictive values were 91.1% (PPV) and 98.7% (NPV). The agreement between SIS and hysteroscopy combined with histopathological examination was very high (K = 0.91).

Sonohysterography is a safe and highly sensitive and specific method used in diagnostics of endometrial polyps. Its results closely correspond to those obtained in a hysteroscopic examination and histopathological analysis.

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