Case report

Laparoscopic removal of gastrointestinal stromal tumors of uncinate process of pancreas.

Maciej Stanek, Michał Pędziwiatr, Maciej Matłok, Andrzej Budzyński
Published online: June 10, 2015

The pancreas is an extremely rare location for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). We present a case of a patient with a GIST located in the uncinate process of the pancreas that was treated successfully with a laparoscopic technique. Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and scintigraphy suggested a neuroendocrine tumor. Due to the fact that the image suggested a neuroendocrine tumor with a diameter below 2 cm, the patient was qualified for a laparoscopic procedure of tumor enucleation. Postoperative care proceeded in accordance with the principles of the ERAS concept. The postoperative course was uncomplicated. He was discharged home on the second postoperative day. In the obtained histopathology result a GIST was found. During a 6-month observation, including control computed tomography examination, no signs of tumor progression were found. Despite the fact that stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract localized in the pancreas are very rare, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of tumors of this organ.

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