Original paper

Implantation of a new enteral stent in obstructive colorectal cancer using interventional radiology in patients over 70 years of age.

Tomasz Miłek, Piotr Ciostek
Published online: June 15, 2015

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death due to cancer in Poland. The traditional approach to treat patients included a surgical procedure. Irrespective of the surgical method being used, surgical treatment of malignant colorectal obstruction is associated with prolonged hospitalisation, and the postoperative mortality rate is approximately 5-11%. Due to these problems, more interest has been shown in less invasive methods. Prosthesis implantation is a leading endoscopic method used currently in palliative or preoperative treatment.

To compare the results of implantation of traditional stents with the results of implantation of an own stent using minimally invasive methods.

Left-sided colon obstruction due to cancer was an indication for transplantation. All patients were aged over 70 years and had serious concomitant diseases. The control group included 50 patients with colorectal cancer who received traditional stents in the period 2009-2011. Our stent covers only the internal length of a tumour. It is not equipped with anti-migration flares. To minimize the risk of migration it has a system of hooks that are responsible for permanent anchorage of the stent within the tumour mass.

Implantation technical and clinical success defined as effective decompression of intestinal obstruction was 100% in both groups. There were 2 cases of stent migration in the control group.

It is possible to achieve a secure surgical anastomosis after intestinal decompression. Stent implantation is fast and safe thanks to the positioning system that was used. The use of labelled hooks is a secure anti-migration solution.

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