Case report

Successful laparoscopic management of a rare complication after embryo transfer: ovarian pregnancy. A case report and up-to-date literature review.

Turgut Aydin, Burak Yucel, Huseyin Aksoy, Suheyla Ekemen
Published online: November 27, 2015

Ovarian pregnancy (OP) after embryo transfer is very rare. Due to the rarity and the asymptomatic nature, there are still difficulties in diagnosis and treatment. The traditional operative treatment for OP has been oophorectomy. However, the desire to maintain reproductive capability and improvements in laparoscopy have more recently led to conservative laparoscopic techniques. This rare complication could be diagnosed early and managed by a conservative laparoscopic approach. Here we present a survey of the literature and a case of successful laparoscopic management of ovarian pregnancy after intracytoplasmic sperm injection and embryo transfer. The current case is the first case in the literature in which ovarian pregnancy occurred after a single embryo transfer. We also summarize the literature about management of ovarian pregnancy after embryo transfer.

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