Original paper

Removal of uterine fibroids by mini-laparotomy technique in women who wish to preserve their uterus and fertility.

Kinga Księżakowska-Łakoma, Monika Żyła, Jacek Wilczyński
Published online: January 12, 2015

The minilaparotomy is considered to be a safe and effective alternative to laparoscopy and abdominal laparotomy in myomectomy cases.

To perform a retrospective analysis of pre-surgical assessment, surgical course and post-operational parameters in women wishing to preserve their uterus and fertility who underwent myomectomy by minilaparotomy in the Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology at the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital - Research Institute in Lodz in the years 2008-2014.

A total of 76 patients were qualified for minilaparotomy due to a benign gynecological pathology. Only 21 patients with uterine fibroids who wanted to preserve their uterus and fertility were appropriate for this study. Patients' records were analyzed in terms of: epidemiological history, surgical course, postoperative stay and pathological data. All studied patients were asked in 2014 about conception and pregnancy after minilaparotomy.

The median age was 35.7 years. The median patient body mass index (BMI) was 24 kg/m(2). The average decrease of hemoglobin was 1.5 g/dl. The size of the myoma was between 1.5 and 15 cm. There were no serious post-surgical complications. The size of the myoma did not correlate significantly with operation time, BMI or blood loss. There was no statistically significant dependence between operation time and average hematocrit and hemoglobin decrease. In our group 7 patients who had undergone myomectomy tried to achieve conception. Four of them succeeded in pregnancy and gave birth to healthy infants.

Myomectomy performed via minilaparotomy is a safe procedure for patients willing to preserve their uterus and fertility, and it combines some advantages of both laparotomy and laparoscopy.

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