

Jacek Szeliga
Published online: October 09, 2017
Dear Colleagues,

The holidays have ended, and I can already introduce the new issue of “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques” – 3/2017.
We are very happy because its release coincides with our largest surgical holiday: the 68th Congress of the Association of Polish Surgeons. Our editorial team decided to actively participate in this meeting. Courtesy of Prof. P. Richter, we announced the “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques” and Videosurgery Board of APS competition for young surgeons, to encourage them to try their hand at their first scientific article. Although there weren’t many submissions, the articles were very interesting. They were judged by selected Polish authorities in the field of surgery. The first prize was won by a Polish paper, and the next two were granted to papers by Turkish and German authors. You can read them in a special section of the journal: VSJ Competition. The winners will also present their achievement during the event. I believe that this way we will start a new tradition of scientific rivalry among young doctors active in minimally invasive surgery.
I also have the pleasure to announce that the Polish Arthroscopic Society has become the 4th patron of our journal.
In the current, extended edition you will have the opportunity to read a whole series of interesting articles on minimally invasive gastrointestinal surgery. As usual, there will be numerous articles from other fields: gynaecology, urology, and cardiac surgery.
As always, I encourage our young surgeons to submit their papers to “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques”, especially under our regular “Surgical Education” programme.
I would like to send all of you my regards. I am looking forward to meeting you during our conference in Krakow.

Jacek Szeliga
“Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques”
Editor in Chief

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