

Jacek Szeliga
Published online: September 15, 2022
Dear Friends,
The holidays are over, a time of rest after a year of hard work. Unfortunately, recent events in Europe have dramatically changed our lives and undermined our sense of safety. For most of us, the war has become a real threat, not a sensational movie. Looking at Ukrainian doctors who risk their lives to save not only soldiers but also civilians wounded in this war, we can see how far removed our daily medical life is from the reality of their work. Praise them for that! Despite the sense of threat, the “Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive Techniques” editorial office continues to work. I am pleased to announce that this year the value of our IF was calculated at 1.627, which is our absolute record! This is the result not only of our activity, but above all of your hard and creative scientific work. Thank you very much for that!
That is why we are trying to broaden the spectrum of our interests. Starting with this issue, due to the numerous review articles submitted , we are launching the “Reviews in Surgery” section, in which we will be publishing, as a priority, the highest quality meta-analyses on various problems of minimally invasive surgery.
And in this issue you will find as many as 7 such review papers, as well as 10 original ones dealing with various problems of general surgery. I encourage you to read them!
Hopefully, I will see you at many live surgical meetings and scientific conferences during the 2022/23 season.
Kind regards,
Prof. Jacek Szeliga
“Videosurgery and Other Miniinvasive techniques”
Editor in Chief

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