About us

Medycyna Praktyczna is the leading Polish publisher of specialist literature and a major Polish medical information and education center for physicians. Ever since 1991 Medycyna Praktyczna has been publishing journals and books that are highly valued by the healthcare professionals and managing the www.mp.pl website with sections targeted at clinicians and/or patients.

Medycyna Praktyczna is a pioneer and a key advocate of Evidence-Based Medicine in Poland, as well as one of the founders of the Polish Institute for Evidence Based Medicine (PIEBM).

Readership surveys reveal that over 90% of Polish clinicians make diagnostic or therapeutic decisions based on publications of Medycyna Praktyczna. Out of all the medical periodicals in Poland, the monthly magazine Medycyna Praktyczna is most frequently subscribed to, most regularly read, most frequently cited as the source of current clinical practice guidelines, most frequently included in the diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes, and most frequently recommended to other physicians.

The Editorial Board of Medycyna Praktyczna consists of outstanding Polish opinion leaders, who represent the key medical specialties. The International Editorial Board includes scientists and professors from various countries, including the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Medycyna Praktyczna has created various medical applications for PCs and mobile devices, including eMPendium which contains the information from Medycyna Praktyczna’s key publications, offering comprehensive support for physicians in their office and clinical tasks.

Medycyna Praktyczna also provides educational materials for patients, which are created by experienced experts and specialists from various fields of medicine and available both in a printed form (in a form of sets of detachable leaflets with recommendations) and online (as a website for patients).

Medycyna Praktyczna has established the largest educational and training center for physicians in Poland. For over 20 years now Medycyna Praktyczna has been organizing multiple national conferences and training workshops concerning important clinical issues. Every year over 31,000 physicians of various specialties participate in the conferences organized by Medycyna Praktyczna.

Medycyna Praktyczna has founded the Institute for Emergency Medicine, a respected training center for physicians, nurses and emergency medical technicians.

Educational programs approved by the National Commission for Specialist and Continuing Medical Education has been highly esteemed by the medical community for years now. Every year over 2,500 physicians receive certificates of attendance.

The www.mp.pl website has the highest number of visits of all the professional medical websites in Poland. It is regularly visited by over 2/3 Polish physicians using the Internet.*

Medycyna Praktyczna also initiated the establishment of the Polish Medical Mission which runs humanitarian programs in countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Romania, Algeria, Iran, Uganda, Zambia, Georgia, India, Haiti, Jamaica, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Kenya, Lebanon, Senegal, Tanzania, Jordan, Papua New Guinea, Malawi or Myanmar. The value of the aid delivered so far by the Polish Medical Mission has been more than PLN 57.5 million.

Since the very first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Medycyna Praktyczna (together with the Institute for Emergency Medicine) has been running fundraising campaigns to supply dressings, medications, surgical kits and tools for hospitals in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odessa, and Lviv, as well as for rescue teams working in the warzones. The combined value of the acquired medical equipment and materials/medications has been more than PLN 50 million.

*Source: Results of a syndicated research conducted by Ipsos on nationwide Polish sample of physicians (n = 239) in October of 2022. *

Contact Us

Medycyna Praktyczna
Cholerzyn 445
32-060 Liszki
tel. 004812 2934000
fax 004812 2934010